Thursday, July 06, 2006


Welcome to my world...World of Warcraft, that is

This is my oldest son, a Night Elf named Shao. He is a level 60 which is as high as you can go at the moment in game, but they are bringing out an expansion that will give you extra levels. When this pic was made, Shao was dancing around...I don't ask too many questions.
This is my character Morghanna, a Human Priest. She is level 52 and I have struggled to get her to that level...along with a lot of help from my sons and other friends in game. I have a lot of fun with her. She cooks, fishes everwhere, mines ore from the ground and skins different creatures.
This is a Tauren Druid character I play on another realm other than Daggerspine. Her name is Catdancing and as a druid I can change form to a bear, sea lion and cat form. I think my spots are cute!
This is Thrall, leader of the Horde, an Orc Warchief. This pic was made by my son who was in a raid group to Thrall's hometown of Orgrimar to assassinate Thrall. Over 200 Alliance riding into was a mighty battle. The reason it is in black and white is cause the pic was made after Mobiletank died. (the raid did not go as planned, note the bones at Thrall's feet)

This is my youngest son's character he plays other than the cute gnome. This is Xenlocked, a human warlock and his guild taking down Molten Core (another wonderful place you can visit on your trip through Warcraft). I love the gives him an air of mysticism.


What is a Tauren?

This is a tauren. I play World of Warcraft online with my sons and a few other million people. Tarrin Mill is an area located in Hillsbrad Mountains in the game. Hillsbrad is a pretty place, green and lots of fishing areas but an area hotly contested between the Horde (Tauren, Orcs, Undead and Trolls) and the Alliance (Humans, Gnomes, Dwarves and Night Elves). These are the races you can play in game. My sons play Alliance but I like the Horde. I am partial to my Tauren (really big bovine). This pic isn't my character, but I will post one for you of some of my characters later. My son also is finding me pics we have of his characters and some of my other characters. The game is a lot of fun and I enjoy it a lot...but it is highly addictive. Also if you are already playing or wanting to try it, I can send you a trial edition and go to Daggerspine realm. My son loves to help out others level their characters. His name in game is Mobiletank (a really cute gnome girl) and Xenlocked (a human warlock (lacking a bit in the cuteness area)). I named my blog Tauren Mill because of the similarities of Tauren and Tarrin. I one day hope to have a farm I can really call Tauren Mill.


48 Thundering Paws

Actually it may not be 48 Thundering paws but may be closer to only 24 paws thundering around. The momma cats and the 4 smaller kittens don't thunder too loudly. But the six older kittens sound like a herd of moose running around my bedroom. The mother of the six kittens is named McKenzie and she is a black, orange and white calico. She is about as small as her kittens. She is so thin and almost didn't get sent with the kittens to foster. She had been so stressed out that she was not being nice to her kittens. Now since she has been here, she is a lot nicer to the kittens. She is working on weaning them and the kittens are eating on their own. They are mostly black and white with one white and grey tabby mix. McKenzie is calming down and has explored around the house. She is making herself home and seems to enjoy her kittens now. The other mother is a red tabby named Coral. She is still terrified but she did come to me today. She allowed me to pet her but on her terms. Have you ever heard a cat growl and purr at the same time? She did just that...she wants to be petted but is so fearful. Her kittens have accepted me and come to me when I go into the spare bedroom. They are all orange tabbies and male. I will try to get a camera to take some pics to post. My camera is still at my son's in Tennessee so I will try to get some pics up later. They are the cutest and I want to share it with my fellow bloggers.

Monday, July 03, 2006


Foster Kittens

Be careful what you wish for. I left this morning celebrating my day off from work by volunteering at our local cats only shelter "Purring at Pantops". It is a part of our ( Charlottesville-Albemarle SPCA. I usually volunteer every Saturday but decided to go in on my day off to help out. Yesterday I stopped by the larger SPCA to see how many kittens they had. And did they ever have the kittens. All kinds, all shapes, all colors. There were so many that I know that all the voluteers don't have the time to give individual time to them, so I registered as a potential foster parent. And today they asked if I could take a momma and some kittens to help socialize them and give them individual care. Of course I said "Yes". Then I thought about the extra bedroom we have and I opted to take two mommas and their babies. I went from from -0- cats this morning and by the afternoon I had 12. They are so cute. One orange mom and 4 male orange babie and one calico mom and 6 babies, 5 black and white and one tabby and white...who is the boss. She is the most adventurous and first to come to me. Tonight should be interesting.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


MeowMix House

Okay, I am hooked. I read about the cat reality show in the news last week and had to check it out. I was one of the lucky ones who visited the site before the webcams were taken down. ( Four webcams of a loft in New York City where 10 cats are lounging about 24/7. Not much action but enjoyable nonetheless. The cams were shut down way too quick. I don't think the people at MeowMix realized the amount of people who might visit their site during the contest. The real contest seemed to be only about a week but the site is still up and updated (thankfully). I wish they would show more of it during the broadcast on Friday nights as well. I got to do my duty and vote for Opry (being from Tennessee, ( I got to support the home team, but Ellis from Oregon has the most information on his shelter's website ( as well as a link to a MySpace site devoted to Ellis. Get out there and vote for the Kitty of your choice. Better yet, head to your local shelter and adopt a real kitty for life. Definately a win for all.



Sessa is our blue-eyed gal. She is a red husky that we got from ( this year. She is a good girl and is very well-behaved. She is gorgeous and such a lady.
Her fur is so soft (but plentiful). I do wish I had bought stock in vacuum cleaner bags before I got her. I could retire by now.

Thursday, June 01, 2006


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